Craig Hancock - New Technology
Madcock, Mr.X: Artist extra-ordinare: A.K.A. Craig Hancock, super babe.My main source of work is keeping alive a vision I have of the world taking part in a mass surreal party.
I work mainly on installations, keeping the vision clear in my mind. I also do costumes, live art performances, photography, films and my very own comics, featuring the Egg Alien and Cake Fairy.
I am seeking funding, sponsorship and commissions for larger or smaller installations, so the vision can be shared - basically having fun while being a piece of Art at the same time: Art-Rageous.
I have two other pages at this site: link one, link two,
If you would like to see more work or make the vision real, contact me on:
Telephone: 01273 624963
Address: 24 Atlingworth Street, Brighton BN2 1PL

Feast of the Beasts
Installation and Costume

Queer Feast

Feasty Funky Freaks
Installation and Costume